
Showing posts from January, 2022

Hindu Succession Act,1956- Rights of Daughters Explained - 2022

 A Joint Hindu Family was always considered to be a larger body than a Hindu Coparcenary under the old Hindu Law, even before the Hindu Succession Act of 1956 or its earlier enactments. As the name suggests, Hindu Joint Families include married and unmarried members lineally descended from the same ancestor.Coparcenary, however, consisted of a common male ancestor and the three lineal male descendants of that individual i.e., the common male ancestor, his son, his grandson, and his great-grandson.  In the old Hindu law, joint Hindu family properties could only be owned by the male descendants of Coparcenaries. As mentioned, a Coparcenary would be comprised of male descendants up to three generations, i.e., up to the great-grandsons. By virtue of birth or adoption, all male descendants would automatically become co-parents. Coparcenary status was not open to women from Hindu joint families. The old Hindu law recognized that only a co-marcener had the right to demand a division of a join

The Advocate For Supreme Court of India is the supreme court of the Indian Constitution

  T he Advocate For Supreme Court of India is the supreme court of the Indian Constitution and is the highest judicial body to hear appeals. Its main task is to protect citizens as well as to determine moral rules and regulations that should be observed by citizens across the country. Having a Chief Justice of India and 33 other judges, the Supreme Court has a pretty factual configuration as the last resort tribunal.This particular court requires its lawyers to be highly qualified in order to intervene in Supreme Court cases. Those with five or more years of experience in advocating in the Supreme Court, as well as special training, can be admitted to the Supreme Court.First-time Supreme Court lawyers often seem confusing to those without adequate knowledge of legislation. The Advocate For Supreme Court of India If you work with us, you will be able to maintain your cost-effectiveness in even the most complex cases. How do we provide our services ? People tend to approach the Supreme